Friday, March 20, 2020

Hello my dear students and families,
I hope you know how much I have missed having you in the classroom this week.  At this time, I do not have any information about moving forward with our learning but you can expect some information on what this will look like, after the Spring Break.  For the time being, remember to continue checking the blog and using the links to Raz Kids, Epic and Prodigy.  I would like to wish you all a safe and healthy Spring break.  I look forward to updating you further as information becomes available.

Take care,
Miss Miller and Ms. Yuki

Friday, March 13, 2020

This week we began out study of Iqaluit by talking about what to pack and found out that even in the summer it only gets to about 7 degrees Celsius! At this time of year it is usually snowing and about -16 degrees Celsius.  We then took a plane ride to Iqaluit and noticed many things that are unique to the town.  We also worked on our fact families this week and did a review of 3-d shapes.  We also finished working on our Google Slides for our inquiry unit on being Water Conservationists.