Friday, October 25, 2019

Today we were exploring with weights and measuring objects to see which are heavier than others.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Measurement in grade 2

Today we spent a lot of time measuring different objects in the classroom with unification cubes.  Sometimes they had a set amount of cubes to use and other times they could pick anything and measure it.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Heritage Park

We had a great time at Heritage Park.  Here are some of the highlights of our day:
-We got to play with toys from the past, it was really hard to get the ball into the cup!
-We got to dress up like we were some of the first settlers to Calgary
-We were able to visit a trading post and find out what we could get for a beaver pellet
-We tried a traditional Metis food used by many settlers and aboriginals from the past called bannock
-We saw and held many artifacts from house object, hospital equipment and even a buffalo hide

It was a fantastic day!  A big thank you to the volunteers who were able to come help us on our trip.